Seminars for patients 2020-2023
On September 12 2020 we organized a similar patiënt meeting at Erasmus MC Rotterdam as in
2019. This meeting was attended by 11 persons, due to COVID restrictions a smaller group.
Because of further COVID‐restrictions in 2020 and 2021 we did not organise more live seminars.
Please find attached the pdf of the MOODSTRATIFICATION seminar for patients in 2019 and 2020
– English version of MOODSTRATIFICATION seminars for patients and their families
– Dutch version of MOODSTRATIFICATION seminars for patients and their families
As an alternative for live seminars we organized two Teams‐meetings on the same topics as the September 12
meeting. These meetings took place at September 26 and October 10 2020. The Teams meeting at
September 26 had 15 participants, at October 10 there were 25 participants.
Prof dr. Hemmo Drexhage held an updated PowerPoint presentation with the newest results on
MOODSTRATIFICATION and via the Chat‐function in Teams we answered questions from the
participating patients and their families and partners.
In the period 2021‐2022 the liaison officer held interviews with 10 patients about their
experiences and expectations of immune‐psychiatry. We used these interviews as illustrative
patient‐stories in our Dutch book about immune‐psychiatry for the main public. This book is
published in February 2023. Later on in 2023 we will organize new psycho educating patient
meetings, in which we will use this new book.
Read in this link more about the Dutch book about immune psychiatry